Welcome to the sixth episode of Re-Arranged, a podcast about the FYI show Arranged. We, like the show, follow three couples as they prepare for what the show says is an “arranged” marriage.
This week, in response to the attack in Orlando, Florida, FYI chose not to air the newest episode of Arranged. Instead of skipping the week, host Darone Ruskay brings in Rabbi Stephanie Ruskay, Associate Dean of the Jewish Theological Seminary’s Rabbinical School (and his “as he mentioned they had a non-traditional traditional Jewish wedding” wife), to discuss the decision that they had made when they got married to use a Brit Ahuvim rather than a Ketubah as their wedding contract. Rabbi Ruskay references the work of Rachel Adler, author of Engendering Judaism: An Inclusive Theology and Ethics and the continued work done by her son and daughter-in-law as they took the Brit Ahuvim to 2.0.
Arranged can be seen on the FYI channel on Tuesday nights at 9:00pm.
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