The new AppleTV+ series ‘Manhunt’, adapted from James L. Swanson’s eponymous book, follows the 12 day search for Abraham Lincoln’s assassin, John Wilkes Booth. As the hunt for Booth unfolds, it exposes a deeper conspiracy — one aimed at restoring white men to political dominance, despite the South losing the war. In this episode, Rabbis Knopf and Olitzky talk about how we continue to experience the consequences of this history, underscoring the Jewish imperative to uphold truth and pursue justice, and how we navigate affirming those values when they seem to be in tension with the demands of peace. Spoiler alert: Booth dies. But is justice done, delayed, or denied? And what does that mean for us today?
Rabbis Michael Knopf and Jesse Olitzky are lifelong friends, pop culture fanboys, and lovers of all things Jewish. Join them every other week for a conversation about what’s going on in pop culture from a Jewish perspective and about Judaism through the lens of pop culture.
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