This Monday we had an incredible professional development day! We had the opportunity to host nearly 55 teachers, early childhood Directors and other educators from NYC, Connecticut and Westchester. Our JCC teachers came in early to prepare their rooms as they do each morning for your children, and after a breakfast and some welcoming remarks, these educators had the opportunity to spend an hour visiting our classrooms and interacting with our amazing staff. As they circulated I heard them ask probing questions about the materials we offer our students, the documentation that they saw in our daily reflections, on our bulletin boards and through our journey binders. They asked about the ways in which we communicate and engage families, and about how we weave Jewish values and special times into our ongoing curriculum. They asked big questions and little questions, but mostly what I heard was appreciation, admiration and a desire to learn from our experiences here at the JCC.
After the hour of visiting the classrooms our teachers offered four simultaneous workshops. The sessions addressed some core topics in our school: looking at Jewish holidays with a constructivist lens; using open-ended materials to deepen classroom learning; developing documentation as a vehicle for family engagement; and learning through small groups in the classroom. All of our teachers helped to facilitate one of the groups with the guidance and support of members of our Leadership team. As I circulated throughout these rooms I was deeply moved and impressed. I had the chance to hear our teachers really present their expertise, their experiences – and most impressively, they offered themselves, their journeys, their struggles, and their learning as models of inspiration. Our visitors seemed deeply engaged in these workshops. We did hear their trepidation and concerns – things like “we could never do that,” “how do you find the time?” or “our parents wouldn’t want us to change even though I think it is a good idea.” But more, I heard our visitors genuinely try to think about which parts of our experience they might be able to integrate. They thought about how they could begin to send daily communications to families, even if it is just a sentence or a photo. I heard directors think about how they might inspire their teachers to make necessary improvements, and I heard teachers say, “this makes sense, I think I could begin to do this.”
After our workshops we had an opportunity to eat lunch together and I watched the visitors seek out our teachers to learn more, and to gain further insight. We provided an opportunity for our guests to share their perspective and to ask more questions. As our guests were leaving so many came to me to tell me how impressed they were by the teachers and by the school.
But for me, the highlight was when we met together just as a staff on Monday afternoon. The staff was bursting with pride, satisfaction and delight. We had the chance to see our school through new eyes. In opening up our school to so many visitors and colleagues, we acquired the gift of their perspective. We could sense our own growth as a school as we heard these visiting teachers wrestling with some very basic elements that we hold as essential to our school’s identity. And as I heard our amazing teachers sharing their knowledge with these outsiders I had the chance to see the enormous competencies, expertise and ownership that our staff has developed regarding the core identity and values of our school.
For me, Monday was truly among the highlights in my professional career. To see the school sparkle, and more, to see our teachers sparkle, made me feel extremely proud to be connected to the JCC. Part of the culture within our school is to always strive, to always focus on the work that is not yet done, and to improve and grow. But on Monday we had the chance to celebrate all the distance we have travelled and all the lessons that we can teach others.
I know that it was not easy for all of you to provide our staff with this professional development day. I know that you rely on us for childcare, for activity, and for routine. I want to thank you for your understanding, as it was truly a gift for me and for our entire staff to have had the deeply gratifying experience that we did on Monday. So thank you!
- Gratitude - October 31, 2014
- The Tower Of Babel - October 24, 2014
- The World Was Created For My Sake… I Am But Dust And Ashes - October 3, 2014