Welcome to the Sixty Third episode of Daily Daf Differently. In this episode, Rabbi Jeremy Kalmanofsky looks at Masechet Shabbat Daf 64. The first half of today’s page is concerned mostly with very specific rules of ritual purity as applied to different sorts of garments. It then turns to a homiletic exposition of Moses’ war against Midian (Numbers 31) and the sexual temptations those enemy women posed. Later the page ruminates on the Talmuds’ general marital advice that wives should try to be attractive to their husbands, and considers that such wise advice means that the Sages would also have to issue lenient rulings permitting women to wear more adornments in public, and thus relax some restrictions against carrying.
This week, our study is led by Rabbi Jeremy Kalmanofsky of Congregation Ansche Chesed in New York City.
The opening and closing music for this podcast is Ufros from The Epichorus album One Bead.
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