Welcome to the Daily Daf Differently. In this episode, Rabbi Barry Chesler looks at Masechet Ketubot, Daf 25.
Continuation of sugya on when we can presume a Kohen is a Kohen based on his participation in priestly behavior. Cases in which a Kohen and Levi were elevated on the basis of being called to the Torah for Kohen and levi Aliyah. Case when a Kohen is elevated on the basis of his father’s testimony and a Levi on the basis of his brother’s testimony.
The opening and closing music for this podcast is Ufros from The Epichorus album One Bead.
To view the text of Ketubot, Daf 25 on Sefaria, please click here.
This podcast is a collaboration with The Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem.
Podcast: Download
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