Welcome to the Hundred and Sixty First episode of Daily Daf Differently. In this episode, Solomon Mowshowitz looks at Masechet Eruvin Daf 6.
Under what circumstances do the sages rule more stringently than the halacha requires? Who are the fools who walk in darkness? When do you have to obey a heavenly voice, and when can you ignore it? This daf will help us understand.
Solomon Mowshowitz is a past Chair of the National Havurah Committee. A molecular biologist by trade, Mosh is officially retired, but still teaches a course in Immunology. at Columbia University.
The opening and closing music for this podcast is Ufros from The Epichorus album One Bead.
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- Eruvin, Daf 6 - August 15, 2020
- Eruvin, Daf 5 - August 14, 2020
- Eruvin, Daf 4 - August 13, 2020