Welcome to the Daily Daf Differently. In this episode, Rabbi Danny Nevins looks at Masechet Chagigah Daf 7.
In tractate Peah we learn that some mitzvot have no fixed measure–any amount is good, and no amount is ever too much. One of those is the appearance offering, yet our Mishnah sets an amount. Rabbi Yohanan explains the development of the law to add instructions, making us wonder when religion gives us too much, or too little guidance. On Side B a new Mishnah addresses the sources of festival offerings–can they come from tithes, or must they come from unrestricted funds? This raises the respective value of donations versus dues in our own religious culture. We value generosity, but perhaps obligation is a superior value.
The opening and closing music for this podcast is Ufros from The Epichorus album One Bead.
This podcast is a collaboration with The Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem.
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